Nis and Vienna signed agreement on cooperation in emergency responding
The delegation of the City of Nis, led by a City Council member Zarko Rankovic, has signed in Vienna an agreement on cooperation in the field of protection from disasters and crisis management between the competent bodies of the cities of Vienna and Nis.
This agreement envisages an exchange of experiences in the work of fire brigades, emergency medical services, protection from disasters, and management in emergency situations. The experts from Vienna and Nis will keep in touch on a regular basis and organize joint exercises in order for the exchange of information to be as efficient as possible. One of the first activities envisaged by this agreement is the participation of the team of Austrian scuba divers in the the training organized by the fire brigade of Nis.
In accordance with the Security Strategy of the City of Nis, which has become a model for all local self-governments in Serbia, the City of Nis has been included in the network of secured cities of Europe, and the promotion of our city in this organization is expected to take place in summer 2011, at the international conference in Israel.
With the aim of promoting the Security Strategy of the City of Nis, a demonstration exercise will be organized at Kralja Milana Square on September 30, from 11 AM, and the participants will be the members of the Police Administration of Nis, the Sector for Emergency Situations, the Gendarmerie, the Institute for Emergency Medical Treatment, the Red Cross, and the city public utility companies. The presence of a large number of high officials from the country and abroad is expected.