Raiffeisen bank profit in 2008 was around 78 million euros
Raiffeisen bank is liquid and stable, and has enough potential for crediting the commerce and the citizens, but the global crisis set up investment climate in Serbia, which will bring down the demand for credits,as in the sector of commerce, also within the citizens. In other words, this means that the bank will have to run a provocative credit politics and to protect itself more efficiently from the risky placings, said Oliver Regl, President of Executive Board of Raiffeisen bank, at the Press conference.
The first man of Raiffeisen bank pointed out that the year of 2008 had been most successfull business year of the bank, as it made a record profit of around 77,9 million euros, while it increased its capital and reached a level of around 500 million euros.
- Serbian commerce has given trust to Raiffeisen bank, which is confirmed by the fact that even 90% of our clients are business people. Last year about 995 million euros has been approved in credits, counting in that direct loans of the companies from abroad. Having in mind all of this, it is not surprising that around a half billion euros are deposits from the commerce, said Mr.Regl.
He reminded that Raiffeisen bank signed a contract with the Government about conducting measures for passing over the economical crisis, and that in the last three days requests for loans in the value of 12 million euros had been submitted.