LDK Consultants Beograd

Micro preduzeće

Potpuni naziv:

LDK CONSULTANTS doo Beograd-Novi Beograd

Odgovorno lice:

Christos Zacharias, Nataša Lukić

Matični broj:




Datum osnivanja:


Pretežna delatnost:

(????) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


Adresa:Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10ž, 11070 Novi Beograd

Status, income, ownership

Oblik svojine:

private property

Broj zaposlenih:

? (????)

Nivo prihoda/godina:

???-??? EUR

Rast prihoda:



Ime Prezime, ???%

Activity description

LDK Consultants is a multidisciplinary developmental consultancy group comprising 7 companies. Established in 1968 as an engineering firm providing services to the buildings sector, it has since expanded in the energy, environmental and water and transportation engineering and consulting, as well socioeconomic development consulting.

It operates through its headquarters in Greece and its regional subsidiaries in Romania and Serbia for Southeastern Europe, Brussels for Central Europe and Kenya for Southeastern Africa. LDK has implemented assignments in more than 100 countries and 90% of its revenues are sourced from the foreign markets.

It has become on the one hand a leading engineering consultancy worldwide in hotels, complex buildings and urban and suburban railways, and on the other hand a trusted energy, environmental and socioeconomic development consultancy for the European Commission, The World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank and United Nations Development Programme.
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13.03.2023.  |  Energy

Status prozjumera u Srbiji - Šta misli struka, a šta kupci-proizvođači?

Izmenom Zakona o obnovljivim izvorima energije uneta su ograničenja kapaciteta prozjumera domaćinstava (proizvođača-korisnika). Novi predlog prozjumeri nazivaju destruktivnim i destimulišućim. Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike očekuje pozitivne efekte i navodi privilegovani status prozjumera, a kao razloge ove izmene navelo je još optimizaciju i evropsku praksu. Struka smatra da će


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Iz kataloga roba i usluga

Energy-efficiency consultancy services

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