Goldman Sachs New York
Potpuni naziv:
Goldman Sachs & Co. New York
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Status, income, ownership
Oblik svojine:
private property
Activity description
14.06.2023. | Finance
Država izašla iz hedžing aranžmana kredita za auto-put
Vlada Crne Gore odlučila je da prekine hedžing aranžman kredita za auto-put, saopšteno je iz Ministarstva finansija. Kako su naveli, nakon studiozne i podrobne analize i konsultacija sa partnerskim bankama, Ministarstvo finansija odlučilo je da iskoristi ugovorenu mogućnost i predloži Vladi prekid "hedžing aranžmana", zaključen 2021. godine sa međunarodnim bankama Goldman Sachs
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Iz kataloga roba i usluga
Banking and investment services
Banking services
Credit granting services
Services related to investment banking services
Brokerage and related securities and commodities services
Security brokerage services
Financial consultancy services
Advisory and consultative engineering services
Development consultancy services
Feasibility study